Who are we ?
Presentation of IPM Cameroon
IPM Cameroon is the national representation of IPM International, headquartered in Neuchâtel in Switzerland (www.ipm-int.org ) according to the government’s opening authorization Cameroonian since October 2012. Through the Center for Psychotraumatology and Mediation from Yaoundé to Elig Edjoa Renaprov building, IPM Cameroon acts in accordance with the plan strategic defined by the head office.
Specifically, in the different sectors and specialties of mental health, IPM Cameroon pursues the following objectives:
1. Assist Cameroon as a benchmark country in the CEMAC sub-region for mental health and humanitarian programs through pilot studies and surveys, the organization of conferences and major scientific meetings related to global mental health.
2. Promote the university, postgraduate and continuing education of professionals in the screening and care of those with mental health problems.
3. Give vulnerable populations, children-adolescents-adults, men in uniform, medical personnel, first-aid workers, and all workers called upon during armed conflicts and suffering from psychological trauma by offering them an appropriate platform and care. of their recovery.
4. Provide medical, psychological and psychiatric care for victims of war trauma, terrorism,
internally displaced persons and refugees as well as other victims of sexual assault, criminals, psychological abuse and rape, etc.
5. Treat the mentally ill and other victims of invisible injuries (mistreatment, rape, etc.) with respect, dignity and without stigma.